What Is Car ECU?
by Aaron Pico -
The automobile's computer is an electronic computer which used in present day cars to control its computerized components. Interpreting real time data from sensors and transmitting output to it's components, the automotive main computer manage the appropriate operation of the auto motive.
The vehicle ECM gather data from various components in the automobile like the crankshaft and camshaft sensors to cleverly compute data as cooling system, intake, combustible system and a few other internal components to assest and control the operating working order of the engine, transmission system such as the ignition/injection timing, the traction control (ABS), the air bags etc.
A typical example is the speed detector found on the wheel which examine the wheel speed and transmits the data to the car's computer. In this system, instead of handing out data to several wires from one detector, the data would be delivered by the motor vehicle ECM to all the wired units that use this data as the speedometer, suspension system, ABS etc.
On-board Diagnostics Port
An automobile that was built with auto computer system will also offer OnBoard Diagnostics (OBD) interface to enable officials or driver to connect diagnostics computer and evaluate the engine control module settings.
Automobile's computer theft deter control
The car immobiliser is theft deter instrument placed on the engine control module. It accomplishes prevention of the ignition from activating unless employing a registered key. This system employs an exclusive chipped key that stores the electrical security pin or in other words the password. The ECU does not kindle the fuel system system and the ignition switch if the code in the key is different then the code kept in the immobilization system.
Worldwide car manufacturers use different types of ECUs as the ECM (Engine Control Module), GEM (General Electric Module, PCM (Powertrain Control Module)) and more. Latest auto motive accommodate several ECUs and with this development, the computing required in resetting or configuring the ECM is becoming more difficult to operate.